You can call us on our Advice Line which is Free Phone 0808 278 7896
Clients who wish to claim asylum in the UK can be helped by our Legal Aid contract. We deliver this service across Kirklees. We can prepare the case and represent at tribunal on behalf of our clients.
We regret that we cannot undertake immigration casework. If you need specialist immigration advice and representation we recommend that you approach a private solicitor. You will have to pay for this service.
You may be able to resolve your issue by using this free information.
To contact our service, please see our main contact page.
Further Information and support
Other organisations which may be able to assist or which can help you find a solicitor:
- Kirklees Welcomes – online service directory for refugees in Kirklees
- Welcome to Kirklees – further information for refugees in Kirklees, including welcome videos in Kurdish, Urdu, Arabic and Hungarian
- TSL – charity offering services to refugees in Kirklees such as English language assistance, a mentor matching service and social clubs/activities
- Housing – Kirklees Council housing and homelessness support for refugees
- Windrush – Kirklees Council information about the Home Office’s Windrush Scheme
- Brexit – advice for Kirklees residents affected by Brexit
- DASH – charity supporting destitute asylum seekers in Huddersfield
Other support and information:
- UK Government website page about asylum and refugees
- UK Government website page about visas and immigration
- Refugee Council website, particularly their information guides for refugees
- The Law Society and the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner can help you to find an immigration solicitor. You will normally have to pay for these services.