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HKSS – Hong Kong Settlement Scheme

What is the Hong Kong Settlement Scheme甚麼是香港人安居計劃 

In partnership with the Hong Kong Welcome Programme from Migration Yorkshire, we have launched Hong Kong Settlement Scheme that provides bilingual advice service for BN(O) Visa holders who live in the Yorkshire and Humber region to give general advice (in English and Cantonese) and legal advice (available in English Only) to support new arrivals from Hong Kong.  This service is free.



We Can Help With我們能提供以下服務: 

  • General advice (Education, Career, Housing, Driving Licence, Finance, Healthcare etc) (in Cantonese and English). 
  • Legal advice (no casework or work on behalf of clients) (Available in English only)
    法律諮詢 (不能進行持續的個案工作或為客戶作任何法律代表等角色(此項服務只設英語諮詢) 


We have some advice leaflets available that can be emailed to you on the following topics. Please complete the contact form available below if you require any of these.

  • Renting a house
  • How to find a job
  • Opening a bank account
  • Applying for your first driving license/exchanging your license
  • Registering at the doctors
  • Accident and Emergency services
  • School Admissions: 5-16 year olds, Post-16 education.


  • 租屋
  • 如何找工作
  • 開設銀行戶口
  • 申請第一張駕駛執照/轉換駕駛執照
  • 登記全科醫生
  • 急症室服務
  • 5-16歲兒童入學資訊、16歲以上全日制教育

We Cannot Help With我們不能提供以下服 

  • Visa applications簽證申請 
  • Passport applications 護照申請 
  • Asylum claim casework 政治庇護個案 

How to Contact us 如何聯絡我們 

Please call or WhatsApp our helpline 07946 100 446 (Monday to Friday 9:30 – 16:00)

請於星期一至五上午九時半至下午四時致電WhatsApp專線07946 100 446查詢 (每節15分鐘)

You can also fill in this  contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Home Office Information:

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